gallery/litalin 1lt



Guaranteed Composition            w/w
Total organic matters             %40
Organic Carbon(C)                %20
Total nitrogen (N)                4%
Water soluble potassium oxide (K2O)    1%
pH range                    3-5

  • VITALIN; is a 100% organic product.
  • VITALIN; produced with special organic chelating agents in order to increase plant uses.
  • VITALIN; is a performance product for to increasing yield and quality. It is enriched with micro elements, natural vitamins and enzymes, with low pH value (pH 4-6)
  • VITALIN; can be used in any time of the vegetation period of plants
  • VITALIN; provide ideal root development, strong vegetative growth (thick body and stem), ideal flowering and increase yield.
  • VITALIN; can be used with fertilizer in the fertilization program. By chelating of the fertilizer, it increases the efficiency of fertilizer and provide rapid and short time uptake.
  • VITALIN; inhibit yield loss with strength defense mechanism of plant at the negative climatic and environmental conditions by its natural vitamins, enzymes and micro elements content. 
  • VITALIN; increase the organic matters of soil in soil application. It increases microbial activity and solve the unsolved elements for plant uptake.
  • VITALIN; increases yield and quality with regular application.
  • VITALIN; increases the efficiency by decreasing the pH value of water when using with pesticide and fertilizer on leaves. 

Tomatoes, Eggplant, Pepper, Cucumber,    200-300 cc/100 L water    30-40 L/ha
Pumpkin, Melon, Watermelon,Strawberry etc.          
Tomatoes, Eggplant, Pepper, Cucumber,    2-3 L/ha    20-30 L/ha
Pumpkin, Melon, Watermelon, Strawberry etc.          
Citrus, Walnut, Hazelnut,  Olive,     200-300 cc/100 L water    20-30 L/ha
Apple, Pear, Cherry, Apricot,Peach, Plum, etc..          
BANANA    200-300 cc/100 L water    20-30 L/ha
VINEYARD / GRAPE    200-300 cc/100 L water    20-30 L/ha
GROUNDNUT    2-3 L/ha    20 L/ha
POTATOES    2-3 L/ha    20 L/ha
PADDY    2-3 L/ha    20 L/ha
FIELD CROPS    2-3 L/ha    20 L/ha
Wheat, Barley, Chickpea  etc.          
INDUSTRIAL CROPS    2-3 L/ha    20 L/ha
Cotton, Maize, Sunflower,Soybean etc.          
ORNAMENTAL PLANTS AND CUT FLOWER    200-300 cc/100 L water    20-30 L/ha
The dosage give above is just guide for you. These dosage can be
Reduced or increased in accordance with the fertilization programs given by experts