gallery/prol n 5lt



Guaranteed Composition            w/w
Total nitrogen                25%
Urea nitrogen (N)                15%
Nitrate nitrogen (N)                5%
Ammonium nitrogen (N)            5%

  • Nitrogen has direct effect on yield and quality in plants.
  • With the deficiency of nitrogen, vegetative development of plants negatively effected.
  • With the deficiency of nitrogen, photosynthesis will slow down. And so this cause decrease in yield and quality.
  • With the deficiency of nitrogen, seed, flower, fruit formation will be decreased and root system will be thinned in plants.
  • Like nitrogen deficiency, excess amount of nitrogen effect negatively to the plants. Excess amount nitrogen increase vegetative development too much and therefore flowers and fruit formation are both decreased and delayed. So quality will be decreased. Excess nitrogen also decrease the resistance of plants against disease and increase effect of disease even at low temperature.
  • PROL-N; was developed based on the application of nitrogen fertilization on leaves and in soil.
  • PROL-N; provides rapid and efficient results on the development of plants in winter, when vegetative developments are slow and weak, with the application in soil and on leaves.
  • PROL-N; should be applied in a planned manner both on leaves and in soil with suitable amount on the shoot development, GÖZ formation and fruit growth in fruit production. Nitrogen fertilization both in soil and on leaves should be applied in May and June in fruits like apple which GÖZ formed one year before.


Tomatoes, Eggplant, Pepper, Cucumber,    200-300 cc/100 L water    30-40 L/ha
Pumpkin, Melon, Watermelon,Strawberry etc.          
Tomatoes, Eggplant, Pepper, Cucumber,    2-3 L/ha    20-30 L/ha
Pumpkin, Melon, Watermelon, Strawberry etc.          
Citrus, Walnut, Hazelnut,  Olive,     200-300 cc/100 L water    20-30 L/ha
Apple, Pear, Cherry, Apricot,Peach, Plum, etc..          
BANANA    200-300 cc/100 L water    20-30 L/ha
VINEYARD / GRAPE    200-250 cc/100 L water    20-30 L/ha
GROUNDNUT    2-2,5 L/ha    20 L/ha
POTATOES    2-2,5 L/ha    20 L/ha
PADDY    2-2,5 L/ha    20 L/ha
FIELD CROPS    2-2,5 L/ha    20 L/ha
Wheat, Barley, Chickpea  etc.          
INDUSTRIAL CROPS    2-2,5 L/ha    20 L/ha
Cotton, Maize, Sunflower,Soybean etc.          
ORNAMENTAL PLANTS AND CUT FLOWER    200-250 cc/100 L water    20-30 L/ha
The dosage give above is just guide for you. These dosage can be
Reduced or increased in accordance with the fertilization programs given by experts